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Accredited Wetland Cities


Recently, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands recognised India's Indore and Udaipur as 'Wetland Accredited Cities'

More on the News

It iswas the first time when that Indian cities arewere listed on the accredited Wetland Cities as per the Ramsar Convention. 

At the 64th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 31 new accredited Wetland Cities were announced worldwide.

  • Under this 64th meeting, China has the maximum (9) number of cities listed 

The global list of Accredited Wetland Cities now has 74 cities which comprise 22 (highest) from China followed by nine from France.

In the first two editions of the Accreditation (for 2016-2018 and for 2019-2022) 43 cities were recognized as Accredited Wetland Cities by the Contracting Parties at COP13 and COP14 respectively.

Accredited Wetland Cities

  • Its Draft Resolution was developed and submitted jointly by Tunisia and the Republic of Korea and it was adopted in 2015 by Ramsar COP12, Punta del Este, Uruguay.
  • It functions under the Ramsar Convention on Wetland
  • It encourages cities near and dependent on wetlands, especially those Wetlands of International Importance, to highlight and strengthen a positive relationship with these valuable ecosystems.
  • This Accreditation is valid for 6 years, after which it must be renewed, providing that it continues to fill each of the 6 criteria, which then need to be reviewed by the Independent Advisory Committee (IAC).

The 6 Criteria of Accredited Wetland Cities

  • It has one or more Ramsar Sites or other significant wetlands fully or partly situated in its territory or in its close vicinity, which provide(s) a range of ecosystems ecosystem   services to the city 
  • It has adopted measures for conservation of wetlands and their services including biodiversity and hydrological integrity

  • It has implemented wetland restoration and/or management measures
  • It considers the challenges and opportunities of integrated spatial/land-use planning for wetlands under its jurisdiction 
  • It has delivered locally adapted information to raise public awareness about the values of wetlands, and encouraged the wise use of wetlands by stakeholders through, for example, establishing wetland education/information centres
  • It has formed a local Wetland City committee under the Ramsar Convention, comprising experts and stakeholders, to support accreditation and implement required measures.
  • It has established a local Wetland City of the Ramsar Convention committee with appropriate knowledge and experience on wetlands and representation of and engagement with stakeholders to support the Wetland City accreditation of the Ramsar Convention submission and the implementation of proper measures for fulfilling the obligations under the accreditation.

Ramsar Convention on Wetland

  • It is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. 
  • The Convention was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in 1975. 
  • India joined the Ramsar Convention in 1982 and has designated 85 wetlands under its national programme.

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