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What is a test series?

A test series is a collection of practice tests designed to help students prepare for specific exams. These tests mimic the format, style, and difficulty level of real exams, providing a comprehensive preparation experience
How do I subscribe to a test series?

To subscribe to a test series, visit our website or mobile app, select the desired test series, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the payment process. Once subscribed, you can access the test series from your dashboard.
How do I receive feedback on my performance?

After completing each test, you will receive a detailed performance analysis, including your score, correct answers, explanations for incorrect answers, and areas for improvement. This feedback helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses.
What should I do if I face technical issues while taking a test?

If you encounter any technical issues, please contact our customer support team immediately via email or live chat. Provide details of the issue, and our team will assist you in resolving it as quickly as possible.
Is there a free trial available for the test series?

Yes, we offer a free trial for selected test series. This allows you to experience the test format and quality before committing to a full subscription. Check our website for details on available free trials.
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